There are many styles of financial Kung Fu.
I grew up watching classic foreign Kung Fu movies where schools would constantly be fighting with each other to prove “My Monkey Kung Fu is more powerful than your Slinking Tiger Style”. Blogging is different and even though we may approach things slightly differently or have a different emphasis, personal finance blogs are complimentary.
I have listed the finance blogs and podcasts that I think are particularly relevant to Canadians and Canadian physicians, dentists, lawyers and other high-income professionals or business owners.
Canadian Physician Finance Blogs By Physicians
There are now several of us that I know of:

- Dr. FIREfly – A Canadian resident writing about basic financial literacy with a FIRE slant. The perspective from a resident is a welcomed addition to what I am trying to do here.
- Moneysmart MD – An emerg doc who used his financial independence to take a hiatus from medicine and travel with family for a year documented on Big Family Small World. Now returned to Canada and medicine, but some great reflection on life, medicine, FIRE, and similar goal to educate physicians around finances and burn-out.
- Loonie Doctor – That’s me. You can read about me here. Master of Drunken Monkey Kung Fu. Well, the drunken monkey part anyway.
- Physician Empowerment Blog – Drs. Kevin Mailo and Wing Lim cover a variety of topics including leadership, management, and investing. The have more of a real estate and private equity approach than I do. However, there are multiple ways to approach building our wealth.
Canadian Physician Finance Podcasts By Physicians
- Beyond MD Podcast – Dr. Yatin Chadha covers physician financial topics. He has industry guests as co-speakers for some in-depth discussions.
- Breaking Bad Debt – A You-tube channel by Dr. Stephanie Zhou. Well thought-out presentations and shares some different perspectives.
Canadian Physician Finance Facebook Pages
- Physician Financial Independence (Canada) is huge (>35000 members) group of Canadian physicians discussing finance on Facebook. It is a closed group for Canadian doctors and dentists only – you need a valid license to join. It is now also private (you need to have a friend invite you). The discussion is active about both basic practical issues (like how to buy an ETF) and higher-level financial topics. There are some very knowledgeable people commenting and it is well-moderated.
My Favourite Canadian Finance & Investing Podcasts
- The Money Scope Podcast. An organized and thorough curriculum for personal finance and investing from Ben Felix and myself. From basic decision-making to investing, tax planning, insurance, and pulling it together. The deepest dive into these topics from a Canadian perspective, including corporations, that you’ll find on the internet. Besides here on The Loonie Doctor.
- Rational Reminder Podcast – Portfolio managers Ben Felix & Cameron Passmore cover a wide range of topics ranging from personal finance to advanced investing concepts. They do deep dives into the academic literature and link the best evidence to practical approaches. Often with the research leaders as guests.
Canadian Physician Finance Blogs or Resources By Industry
- MD Billing. This is a billing software company for Ontario and BC. They have an excellent new doctor billing guide. It is about more than just billing. Clearly written steps for getting licensed and started as well as some finance basics.
- Medical Post – Finance Section. You need to register (free) to log in to this one, but there are frequent articles written specifically about physician relevant issues. Most are written by members of the financial industry. However, they also post some articles by physicians.
- MD Management Blog. Part of the MD Management website. Some good general articles. Very often end with recommending that you talk to your MD advisor.
American Physician Finance Blogs By Physicians
There is a well established US physician blogging community.
- White Coat Investor -probably the Bruce Lee of physician finance Kung Fu. He has been around for years, writing a book, made a course, and has a successful blog business. It is physician focused with tonnes of great material in the American context. Much of that translates here except our practice/job environment and our tax environment in Canada is very different.
- Physician on FIRE – would be more like the Jackie Chan of physician finance Kung Fu. A bit newer on the scene, pretty funny and entertaining, but also very skilled. His focus is financial independence in addition to physician-specific issues in the US context.
- Passive Income MD – An early career physician. Specialized in real estate investing. Passive and not so passive.
- Physician Philosopher – A US anaethestist dedicated to bringing back balance from burn-out as a blogger, podcaster, and life coach.
- Dr. Cory Fawcett – A surgeon who has repurposed himself to teaching docs about personal finance. He has some great books. It is the U.S. context, but excellent general principles about finance and career.
This is in no way a comprehensive blogroll. Just the sites that I check out regularly. Physician on FIRE has the largest physician finance blogroll that I have come across.
Canadian Finance Blogs With A High Income/Networth Focus
- The Blunt Bean Counter is written by accountant Mark Goodfield. He often writes about tax issues faced by CCPC and high income or net worth families. His posts are not only detailed and useful, but also insightful. He’s pretty entertaining. Ya know… for an accountant [that was a joke – just to clarify for any accountant readers…]
Canadian ETF Investing Blogs
- Canadian Couch Potato. A great source of general and detailed information about ETF investing. My only beef is that I was schooled in Canada in 1980/90s and still spell potato with an “e” on the end.
- Canadian Portfolio Manager by Justin Bender. A good source for info about getting started in ETF investing. He even has model portfolios and pays attention to how to allocate amongst differently taxed ETF and account types.
Canadian Private Equity Real Estate Investing Blogs
- CPI Capital Blog. This is a private equity company that manages pooled investments in real estate. I don’t have a financial blog relationship. However, I have recently invested in one of their projects. I am finding that experience and their educational blog useful as I am learning more about this area of investing.
Canadian General Finance Blogs

There are actually quite a few. Most provide great general content, but I do have a few favorites:
- Greater Fool written by Garth Turner. I have read this blog daily for about 10 years and have to give Garth credit (or blame) for a good chunk of my financial education. His blog is real estate focused, but has great pearls about general finance, investing, and life. Plus we have seem to have a compatible sense of humor.
- Boomer & Echo written by Robb Engen and his mom Marie Engen. A great general personal finance blog. High-income earners may have some “1st world problems”, but we still face the same general personal finance issues that everyone else does. This blog has frequent concise actionable advice type posts in the Canadian context.
- Michael James on Money. An excellent general Canadian finance blog. A say general, but Michael James does a nice critical analysis of much of the information out there. Often thinks about it critically and outside the box – which I love.
- Cut The Crap Investing. A Canadian finance writing who basically got me on the name of their blog alone. Besides that, good regular content on investing and finance from a Canadian perspective.
This Blogroll of Canadian Personal Finance Blogs is by no means complete. Or even close to complete.
There are many great blogs out there in the Canadian tundra. I have tried to flag some of the ones that are my favorites or particularly relevant to the high-income professional or business owner niche.