In the last episode, we introduced how investment taxation using a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) works.
Today, we start talking about how those tax consideration fit into your investing strategy. Different strategies and products are aimed at different aspects of corporate investing. You want to make sure that you understand them to be the big dog. So that you don’t get wagged by the tax-tail.
Learn more about those products and strategies to see if they pass your sniff test. We’ll dig into that today. To get the best results, you must understand this to mesh your long-term planning and short-term tax filing. This helps you to get the most out of your advisors by bringing up the right issues and staying focused on where the value lies.
“When you are tracking your business expenses and dealing with your account, make everything as clean, easy, and well documented as possible for [accountants] to deal with.”
“With the corporation, tax drag is pretty complicated. It can vary depending on the investment income, the active income, and how you move money out of your corporation to fund your living expenses..”
“There can be opportunities where you can strategically move some money out tax efficiently. If you can get those opportunities and take advantage of [them], and you don’t need the money, then you have the opportunity to invest that in a personal account.”