The first step in your DIY journey is to create a Qtrade Login. This will make you a dashboard. Once you have your login for your dashboard created, you can pick up on any online application where you left off. If you get stuck, realize you forget something, run out of time, get called into work or out for a drink. Whatever – don’t stress.
You can also easily open other accounts or fund your accounts later using your dashboard. It is not all or nothing. Further, once you set up your profile & ID confirmation, subsequent applications take less than 15-20 minutes.
Qtrade also has multiple layers of security to protect your account, that you activate on your first login. These are described below.
Step 1: Create your login & password for your dashboard.
If you are opening accounts for multiple people in your household, then you need to make a separate login, profile, and ID confirmation for each. For example, I have one for my TFSA/RRSP/Cash Accounts. My wife has her own for her accounts. If you are going to open an account that requires a paper application (corporate or informal trust), it will attach to your login and dashboard when processed.
Even though you create separate logins and profiles, you can consolidate to view them on one login if you give trading authority to that person. For example, I can view my accounts, my wife’s accounts, and my corporate account for my medical professional corporation all in my portal. I can also buy/sell for all of those accounts from my one login.
Use the link from the Qtrade logo below to make Loonie Doctor affiliated Qtrade accounts.
Click the Qtrade promotional picture (above or to the left) to go to the Qtrade login creation. It will open in a new tab of your browser.
This link takes you to the Qtrade page affiliated with The Loonie Doctor. That means you may get special offers and that I get a small referral fee which supports this free website.
If there is a special offer, then click the “get offer” button and it will automatically apply the promocode when you create your login. The current promo is $50 cash back per account opened up to 3 accounts (only available via partners right now).
If there are no special offers, then click the “open account” option.
You will then get prompted to make a login and password. It looks like this:

The email that you use will become your login name. Correspondence will also be sent there. So, use an email that is secure and that you actually check.
Your password must contain at least:
- 8 or more characters
- one upper and lower case letter
- one number
- one special character (!@#$%^&*)
- Pick something you can remember and keep it safe so you can find it again if you forget
- Type carefully to get it right
Once you fill in the fields, check the agree box, and push the create login button, it will send an email to you. You go into your email and confirm via the embedded link.
You can then log in with your login and password.
Step 2: Log in for the first time.
- It will want you to give a cell phone number to set up two factor access. That cell will then be used to send you a text with a 6-digit confirmation code. When logging in from computers that you don’t use frequently, this second step helps to prove it is you. Your cell phone and its camera will also be used later in the application process to confirm your identity.
- Create 5 security questions that can be used to reset your password if you forget.
- Sign off on data usage. This is basically a series of questions to indicate that you are not a financial professional and will be using the live quotes for buying/sell etc for personal usage. That way live quotes are free.
- Set a trading password. This is a second password that you will use to confirm trades when you are in your account. The same rules apply as making your login password.